Tuesday, June 16, 2009

jiggity jig

let it shine

I've always been a homebody. Growing up, I didn't like to spend the night away from my house or away from my family, and when I went on a trip of any kind I always relished getting home. The drive or flight back could never go fast enough, and sometimes (okay, often) I checked out of where ever I was days before it was time to leave. I was always comforted by the things I knew, the routine I expected - trips away from home, even fun trips, challenged me. I left camp early 3 summers in a row - I may have faked a sprained ankle one year and the flu another. Once it was in my head that I wanted to be home, I had to get home.

I can't say my propensity for homesickness has changed completely as I've gotten (much) older, but it certainly has changed. I am extremely grateful for opportunities to travel and take breaks from the madness (and a job with enough flexibility to allow it), and even more so for chances to connect and reconnect with those of you I don't get to see everyday.

Apart from getting back to the Midwest frequently for family fun, here are the other places I'd like to go in the next 5 years:

Grand Canyon
Glacier, Acadia, Yosemite, and Yellowstone National Parks
Rocky Mountains
California coast roadtrip
New Zealand

Surely it can be done. Right?

Number Thirteen: VACATION. Because you can get away, and then you can come home.


Anonymous said...

Those are some quality destinations. I would totally accompany you if you want the company! Many of those are on my mental list as well.

Nicole said...

Mmm ... I want to travel, too!