Sunday, July 26, 2009

you spin me right round

because i knew you i have been changed for good

Things that make me infinitely happy, Take One (in no particular order)
1. Riding my bike.
2. Chocolate chip pancakes + fun breakfasts.
3. Pizza. Always pizza.
4. Vineyard City Church worship. It's just the best.
5. The *Once* soundtrack.
6. My best friend.
7. The Wedding Singer, every time I watch it.
8. The relationship between my cat and my dog.
9. Colter's hugs.
10. This:

Number twenty-one: PATIENCE. Because sometimes the rose-colored glasses aren't on the nightstand where you left them. Sometimes you've got to search for them, dig through lots of other odds and ends, and endure several hazy, blue-colored days before picking them up again and forcing them back onto your face.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

but, still

there will always be room for your hand in mine

So, I've been a little down lately. And since this blog is, well, not about that, I figured I was at least capable of pulling together a list of things that are, still, good. Great, even. It's not real for anyone to be bursting with happiness all the time, and it's definitely not real for me.

But, still, for these things I am grateful. But, still, for these things I consider myself blessed beyond what is deserved. But, still, for these things, I start perking back up again and realizing - hey, it's not so bad.

Number twenty:
a niece or nephew on the way (!!!)
cold water
the Weepies station on Pandora
thinking about my next photo adventure
a new uniball pen with a very fine point
a fridge full of food
freaking fan-tastic friends
legs that can run, arms that can swim, feet that can pedal